• Our anti-spam policy is a part of and subject to, these terms and conditions. You may view our anti-spam policy on this website. Please note that, we may change this policy without any prior notice. It is your responsibility to keep-up-to-date and comply with this policy.

  • All trademarks reproduced in this website, which are not the property of or licensed to the operator, are acknowledged on the website.

  • We do not allow copy content, graphics, design, look and appearance from our website to anyone without our permission. You must need to send us mail to (Your support desk link) in order to get permission to use our content. Unauthorized use of this website may cause criminal action against you.

  • You will be liable for damages (including costs, and attorneys' fees) if you materially misrepresent that the website or a web page infringes your copyright.

  • We hold no responsibility, in case you receive any offensive and abusive comment on your website, we do not support this from our end or from any one's.

  • You do understand and agree that your use of our website is limited and non-exclusive and we can terminate it for any reason without prior notice.

  • From time to time we may offer and/or co-sponsor contests or promotions on the Website. Each of these activities shall be governed by specific rules accessible from the pages of the Website offering the promotion or when you submit your entry.

  • We reserve the rights to modify, temporarily and permanently change our terms and policies anytime, without any prior notice. It is you responsibility to be updated and check our terms and policies time to time.

  • These Terms and conditions and all other legal documents posted on the website constitute the entire agreement between you and Marketing with April, with respect to the use of website, including the content, graphics, design, look and feel.

  • All disputes are subjected to the law of the Texas.


Empower your online presence with our cutting-edge 32-point website audit report. Uncover the strengths, weaknesses, and competitive insights that will elevate the digital strategy for your business.

Marketing with April is a family-owned and women-led business based in the heart of northeast Texas, with a strong commitment to supporting small businesses and our local communities. As entrepreneurs ourselves, we empathize with the challenges faced by small business owners and recognize the immense value of digital marketing in addressing these issues. Our full-service agency is dedicated to equipping your business with a robust digital foundation, ensuring your success in an increasingly digital landscape.

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